StatusConceptSeismologyGPS TechnologyOcean InstrumentationTide GaugesBathymetric DataModellingWarning CentreCapacity Building

21.01.2025 :: German :: Print
Site: Ocean Instrumentation / Tide Gauges / 

Tide gauges

Tide gauge in Telukdalam, Indonesia
Photo: C. Nölte (GFZ)

In the past, tide gauges have proven to be a valuable source for determining the approach of the wave, for warning neighbouring, endangered regions and as a basis for tsunami modelling. Major tsunamis virtually always go hand-in-and with a collapse of the communication infrastructure; however, reliable details of the maximum water level, which are required for initiating rescue measures or warning remote regions, can only be proven on the basis of tide gauge recordings.

The concept envisaged the establishment of a total of 20 tide gauges, which can transmit highly accurate sea level values every 15 seconds to a warning centre. Of these 20 stations, at least 10 will be installed in Indonesia. The positions are currently being specified in consultation with the Indonesian partner, BAKOSURTANAL, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO and the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).